
API Guidlines (PayPal Standard)

The PayPal platform is a collection of reusable services that encapsulate well-defined business capabilities. Developers are encouraged to access these capabilities through Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) that enable consistent design patterns and principles. This facilitates a great developer experience and the ability to quickly compose complex business processes by combining multiple, complementary capabilities as building blocks. PayPal APIs follow the  RESTful  architectural style as much as possible. To support our objectives, we have developed a set of rules, standards, and conventions that apply to the design of RESTful APIs. These have been used to help design and maintain hundreds of APIs and have evolved over several years to meet the needs of a wide variety of use cases. HTTP Methods List Resources Use HTTP GET method Get an Individual Resource Use HTTP GET method Create a Resource Use HTTP POST method Update a r...

Life Cycle Methods vs React Hooks

Today I am going to talk about life Life Cycle Methods vs React Hooks. First, let me introduce React hooks. React 16.8.0 is the first release to support to support hooks.  Hooks solve a wide variety of seemingly unconnected problems in React that we’ve encountered before. Now we are able to do almost everything in the functional components like class components. Hooks are very easy to learn and use. There are many react hooks. Such as useState, useEffect, useReducer, useContext and etc. In this post, I am going to talk about useEffect and how it is going to use instead of componentDidMount, componentDidUpdate and componentWillUnmount. The  Effect Hook  lets you perform side effects in function components. componentDidMount() vs useEffect() The  componentDidMount ()  method runs after the component output has been rendered to the DOM. We can use it like below: Below showing you how to use useEffect instead of comonentDidMount(). ...

State & Props

Today I am going to talk about State & Props. Both are plain javascript objects and used to store data, but states are used to store information within the component, props are used to pass data to a component. State Let's talk about states first. States are owned by its component. It is mutable. There are two way to initialize states in a class component. Initialize inside the constructor (default way) You have to define your states inside the state object (this.state). Inside an object, we have to define properties as key, value pair. First key then value. You have define state name then give a default value for that state. Directly inside the class Here we are defining states directly inside the class. Below is the way to define states inside functional components. You have to use useState hook to define your states. First give your state name then a function name to update the state. After that you have to give default value for...


Node.js is a server side platform built on Google Chrome's JavaScript Engine (V8 Engine). Node.js was developed by Ryan Dahl in 2009. The definition of the Node.js as supplied by the official Node.js documentation is as follows - " Node.js is a platform built on Chrome's JavaScript runtime  for easily building fast and scalable network applications. Node.js uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that makes it lightweight and efficient, perfect for data-intensive real-time applications that run across distributed devices. " Node.js is open source, cross platform runtime environment for developing server-side applications. Node.js applications are written in JavaScript. Because of the arrival of Node.js, way of the web developing was completely changed. Early days, most of web applications had used PHP for their server-side. Therefore, one must know javascript and php for become a full stack developer. Now, front-end developer do not need to know other serv...

JavaScript, Version Controlling and NoSQL

Today we are gonna talk about JavaScript, Version controlling and NoSQL. In JavaScript (js), we are going to know what is js, classes, objects and prototypes, how 'this' key works, strict notation, function closure, callbacks and promises. When it comes to Version controlling, we are gonna talk about what and why? terminology, best practices and GIT. Latter part, we are gonna learn about what is NoSQL, pros and cons and MongoDB. JavaScript JavaScript is a scripting or programming language that allows you to implement complex features on web pages. Web pages are not the only place where JavaScript is used. Many desktop and server programs use JavaScript. Node.js is the best known. JavaScript was invented by Brendan Eich in 1995, and became an ECMA standard in 1997. ECMA-262 is the official name of the standard. ECMAScript is the official name of the language. ECMAScript is often abbreviated to ES. ES5 and ES6 are the most widely using versions. ES9 was released in 2...

Approach To Application Framework

Welcome everyone, this blog is about to provide in depth of Mern Stack technologies. Before we jump into the main topic directly, we should have a solid background about Application Frameworks. This post is here to give you that. First of all, we have to figure out what is a  Application Framework? An Application Framework is a platform to build software applications. It acts as a skeleton to support development of applications. Adhering to the terms and guidance that provided by the team of developers who has developed the framework, we can develop software applications conveniently. Three principles of Application Framework, 1. S.O.L.I.D 2. Approaching the solution 3. Implementing the solution 1. S.O.L.I.D S - Single responsibility principle; A class should have one and only one reason to change, meaning that a class should have only one job. If there are more jobs, you should create classes for each job. This way, you can develop software applications ea...